Book an Appointment
NOTE: This booking service is available to veterinarians and veterinary clinics only. If you are a pet owner or breeder, please contact your veterinary clinic to make an appointment.
Before booking an appointment please note the following important preparatory information:
- Prior consent from the client must be obtained for shaving, sedation, and possible fine needle aspiration or biopsy.
- For better imaging and a more complete study please have a sedation plan ready.
- If chemical restraint is necessary it will be provided and administered by the referring veterinary staff.
- A qualified staff member should be present to restrain and monitor the animal. Owners may assist as well if they are helpful.
- The patient should be shaved and ready to go prior to the appointment. Please call 778-584-7701 if you are unsure of the optimal shaving margins needed for the requested exam.
- All abdominal ultrasound patients should be fasted for 12 hours prior to the study unless contraindicated.
- Barium studies will interfere with the ultrasound if done within 3 days of the exam.
- Do not allow the patient to empty their bladder within 2 hours before the ultrasound exam.
- Please ensure adequate platelet count before fine needle aspirations and obtain coagulation profiles before a core biopsy.
A copy of the ultrasound study will be archived with VIDI Veterinary Services Ltd.
Prices: A price list may be requested in person from Dr. Burke or by email at:
Prior to booking an appointment you will be prompted to login or register with VIDI Veterinary Services Ltd. If you have any difficulties logging in or registering, please contact us for assistance.